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Project breif:

Present your ideas to the class for the collaborative project and use the feedback from this presentation to create a formal project proposal on the template given to you by your tutor.

Prior to beginning our FMP, we must present our 3 potential project ideas to the class via Prezi. We must communicate correctly and show valid research to back up our points. We have previously decided upon and researched several areas of study in, project 4 tasks 2 and 3, but presenting our research to the class gives us the opportunity to receive feedback for our ideas.

Part 1

Part 2


In my opinion, I was able to show in detail what I am going to do for my FMP successfully. The things that went well during my presentation were; how much detail I put into every step I am going to do for my FMP, and I showed research to back up every point I made. Although during my presentation there was a lack of communication in some sections. For example, when I was showing my research for writing my songs I was slightly unorganized and didn't understand what was going on because of the way the presentation was set up(the order of the videos played was different than I thought)this caused me to get confused and mix up some of my information. Also, I played a video as a part of my research referring to writing a hook. There was a lack of research here because the video was referring to a hook in the context of writing an essay, not a song. This is something I need to improve on by checking my work and being more organized and disciplined.

Here is another video that shows how to write a catchy  chorus: time stamp (1:00-2:00)

This video shows clearly how to write a hook for a 'song'. It gives tips and tricks about being creative and finding ideas that have feelings in them. Writing a hook is about simplicity to allow the listener to remember the hook. This is something I will definitely use while writing my songs. Another thing that went wrong was my lack of research into the distribution company I wanted to use. I showed a video giving examples of different distributors and I said I was going to be using 'distro kid'. My research to show why I would e using distro kid was weak. I had heard from Ethan in the second year that distro kid was a good reliable distributer so I decided to go with this source only instead of going into further depth in my research by looking into different distributors with different options.  Here are some other options for possible distributors.




Here is Lander's policy and offers to distribute music through them. As you can see, they offer a yearly subscription but to release a single it costs £5, and to release an alum it is £19. This is a distributor I am going to avoid due to its high costs.

       DISRO KID

distro kid.PNG

This distributor takes 0% royalties for any music I release my music. They charge $22.99 per year to upload unlimited songs. I will get paid whenever anyone uses my music anywhere with 100% of the profit being given to me. This makes distro kid a good distributer for me.


tune core.PNG

As you can see tune core gives a very good offer of just £12.99 a year. And I get unlimited releases on social media platforms. This is a very good platform that I will definitely consider

Other than the problems with my lack of communication and research, there were no other major issues with my presentation. One small problem occurred during the themes and ideas section of the presentation this is because I described how I wanted my songs to sound in a bad way. I would like my songs to have an acoustic feel taking inspiration from artists like Vance joy, Mumford and Sons, and Ed Sheeran. I would like to mix Mumford and Sons' style which is more loose and folky with ed sheared and Vance Joy's style since Ed Shearen and Vance Joy has a similar style in music. I would like to include an acoustic guitar being played with a fingerstyle technique with classic piano chords in the background with a strummed acoustic guitar also for most of the songs. I would like my EP to include 2 songs with an epic climax. A song that is upbeat(not depressing) using strummed acoustic guitars and upbeat rhythms and I would like a calm and serious song using fingerstyle guitar and the piano with minimal drums and harmonized vocals. I would like there to be quite a lot of harmonies in each song taking inspiration from Mumford and Sons.  Also, I would like the songs to have breakdowns by playing half-time beats or extending the chords and slowing down the strumming patterns, and increasing and adding vocals and harmonies. Overall, I would like my song's to be somewhat quantized but I would like the songs to keep the natural feel as if it is being played live, I will have to know my parts very well to do this and play everything very tight. With this section of my FMP being explained I feel like at the end of this project, I have been set up well to carry out a successful EP to a good standard. 

   I have displayed that my communication and research need improvement and is something I will Improve on in my next project, which is the research project. 

Here is my project proposal template based on the feedback of my presentation.

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