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Firstly, the song is written in Db major. The cords for the intro of the song are as seen. A-, Ab/C, Db, Gb, Db/F, Ab. This pattern is repeated twice.

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All the cords that are used in the intro stay inside of the key signature of the song without heading into any parallel minors or other various key signatures that contain any 7th cords. 

The song is major and gives a positive tone through the major chords.  


During the verse the chords that are used are; Db, Gb, Db, Ab all of these chords are major to represent the positivity of the lyrics and the songs meaning. 


The chords that are used during the pre-chorus are; 

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Again these cords do not leave the key signiture of the song. Even in the chorus where the cord pattern changes to Db, F-, Ab, Db, F-, Ab the chords remain in the key of Db major.  


The instruments that are used to create the polyphonic texture are ; an acoustic guitar, Bango, electric keyboard (playing the piano), double, some brass instruments such as trombone and trumpet and a bass drums.  

The Bango plays a continues ostinato following the cord progressions. The acoustic guitar plays an ostinato following the different cord progressions as well. the drums play a simple 1, 2, 3, 4 beat throughout the song. The brass instruments mainly follow the chord progressions playing long nots lasting the length of the chords. In the beginning the piano is playing simple block chords, as the song progresses the piano starts to play 3rds and 5ths quickly following the chords giving an improvised sound in the song. 

   The vocals are mainly sung by Marcus Mumford and the other band members harmonise with the main singer during different parts of the song.  



The melody is scalic moving step by step as its being sung.

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This can be seen in the way “I will wait “ is sung in arpeggios.  


The time signature is usually in standard 4/4. Although during the intro there is a section that changes into 2/4 for one bar.

This changes the different accenting on the different beats in the time signature to fit the change that is needed to play what the band wants. For example in 4/4 the accenting would be seen as   

1  +  2  +   3  +  4   +  

>     > 

But in 2/4 it would be seen as 

1  +  2 + 

>      > 

This also lets the song play a tune that is shorter than a full 4/4 bar and still fill the whole bar of music.  


The BPM of the song is 131. 



The song stars with the dynamic marking of forte in each instrument during the intro.  

As the verse starts the song goes down into Metso forte. During the instrumental sections and the chorus the sing remains in forte. During the bridge is a crescendo in all of the instruments from Metso piano to forte that continues until the end of the song. Most of the dynamic changes in the song are quite dramatic with few crescendos and diminuendos.  



-The length of the song is 2:21. 

-The notes that are consistently sung in the song are; minims, crochets and quavers making the notes of the melody last half a beat to 2 full beats. There are also triplets that are used this make the duration of the quaver even smaller. the triplets also create a swing rhythm that compliments the jazzy style of music.

-With the tempo of the song being 108 bpm moderato the notes of the piece sound long and slow. 

- The time signature of the song is 3/4 which means that 3 beats curate throughout one bar. 

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-The dynamics in the song do not vary very often to keep the smooth, peaceful and calming, jazzy feel 

- The dynamics in the trombone are slightly louder than the other instruments. while playing the individual notes the trombone creciendoes then fades into a diminuendo, this creates a swing sound. 

- The dynamics of the piano vary with the preference of the pianist because its being improvised, but the dynamics stay in a range of piano to metro forte. 

- when the lyrics read "I see friends shaking hands" the trombones play stronger notes in forte 

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The melody in the song is mostly circular and orilated. In the beginning of the song where it says "I see trees of green" the melody is circular by only playing; C, E, A, F. the melody stays circular as the notes go back down as well. when it says "and I think to myself" the melody is orilated basing it off of the one note F. this is frequently repeated throughout the song 


The song is in the key of F. the chord progression in the verse is as seen;

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The D flat in the chord progression comes from the parallel minor of F major and the a sharp comes from the a sharp minor scale. 

The chords in the bridge stay the same as in the verse but in a different order taking the chords from the same key signatures. 


When doing this task I needed to have good knowledge of music theory to identify the different details and techniques that are being used in the music its self. I started with a different aspect in the music like ; harmony, melody or dynamics. listened to sections of the song over and over and wrote in detail what I could hear. Then I researched into what I had heard to back up my points and show evidence of it. In my opinion I was successful in doing this task because I wrote in detail what I had heard in these songs with evidence that backs it up and shows its reliability. Also I am now able to learn from the techniques that have been used in these songs and apply them in my own compositions 

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