In this project have been able to research and discover materials to help improve my work in a studio along with my pre-existing knowledge. Not only this, but I was able to create a clear plan and evaluation of what I'd like to do for FMP, understanding what needs to go into it, and my capabilities and weaknesses along the way. During this project, I developed my research skills and language skills by portraying what I've learned and researched for my final major project. In my opinion, I could've done a bit more research and backed up my research better, I struggled to do this due to a lack of time management. I was focused on different tasks more than others such as practicing for the gig and project 3. This affected my ability to further improve my research skills.
Although I did learn more about mixing, producing, and mastering during this task through my research. this lead me to choose film composing for my FMP but after further thought, I've chosen to release an EP or album depending on the time I have to write it.
Most of my research came from YouTube and some other reliable websites. To improve my reattaching skills next time, I would like to look at more reliable sources and find more sources to back up what I know and what I've learned.
For this project the aim was to analyze and understand different areas of the music industry we would like to have as a career in the future then pick a final one and research into it and gain more knowledge about what we picked to write about it into as much detail as we can. By doing this project it helped me achieve more skills that I needed to do for the area of music I would like to work in although I already have some basic knowledge of writing songs I still needed to gain more and I knew that myself so having researching websites and watching videos helped me understand more knowledge on composing and writing.
In doing this task I feel I now have a clearer idea of my academic development for the year, as well as my career choices after completing this college course.