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In task 1 of project 2. I learnt and developed my researching, analyzing and problem solving skills. I started my looking up different types of audio interfaces. one at the low end one midrange and a high end audio interface. Each interface are good quality and are useable for a professional studio. With the low end midrange being designed for a home studio or a mobile studio. The midrange interface being suitable for a above average studio that produces higher quality music. The high end interface is used for professional use with lots of inputs to record multiple instruments.  I also looked into different types of monitors and mixers at the low end midrange and high end. the low end monitors and mixers are all used for a small studio the midrange for a above average studio. the high end for professional studios. 

   Task 2 project 2. I learnt mixing skills. I got a knowledge of the effects and how to use the equipment. i had to use problem solving skills to fix the track. I was given a track of a Metallica song that had been edited and mixed to sound bad with lots of reverb and delay and other effects. I had to become familiar with Cubase and looking for the mixing console and where the effects are added to remove them and make the song sounding good again. Once I had the song sounding good i had to listen t the original song on you tube and put the fade out on Cubase so the song sounded accurate to the original.

    I also had to mic up a drum kit in task 2.  I go the dynamic microphones and clipped then onto the top and bottom of the snare and onto the high, mid and floor tom. I the got the condenser mics and put them on the stand in an X Y formation to pic up the sound of the cymbals and high hat. I also added a dynamic mic to the high hat and to the kick. Then I used a blue xlr cable for the high hats. Purple xlrs for the over heads and red xlrs for the toms and snare and kick. I plugged the xlrs into the interface in the order of. Kick, high hat, snare top, snare bottom, high tom, mid tom, floor tom, overhead left and over head right.  the dynamic mics pointing at the toms and snare all have to be pointing directly at the middle of the skins to pick up the best sound. 

    task 3 project 2.  This was also a mixing task so I was able to develop my mixing skills more and get a better knowledge of the effects. in this task we took the song we made and recorded and edited and mixed the instruments. starting with the drums, i compressed them all to give it a tighter sound I also added reverb and maximized the kick drum to hear all of the different drums on the kit equally. I added low cuts to everything to give the song more head room this gave it a cleaner sound. I then mixed the piano by adding a compressor and maximizer to gibe it a full and tight sound.  I then mixed the guitar it was already really tight so there wasn't much need for editing, to mix it i compressed it and added a gate to stop the high and harsh sounds. Then I EQ swept it to take away more harsh sounds. And added a low cut to the guitar to give some more head room. after this I mixed the vocals by adding a gate and lo cut to get rid of the breathy sounds then I added reverb and delay to make the vocals sound more wet.  after doin this all of the tracks were sounding really good together. 

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