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When we first started organizing this gig we put everyone onto different songs, there were meant to be different bands but in my opinion, there was a slight lack of organization. We settled on having anyone on any song creating random bands/groups of people playing 1 or 2 songs together this caused some chaos later on during rehearsals but it worked out in the end. 

     During the rehearsals, there was a lack of communication because there wasn't consistency in people playing regularly together. for example, I was on a song with max, Zack, and Kacey and played with them 6 times together before the gig, in another case I was in multiple songs with Ethan so my communication was much better with him than with max and Zack. 

     When it came to setting up the stage for the gig I felt like there were a lot of people sitting around and not being used. It came to my attention that there were people who couldn't be used due to their lack of being careful with the equipment. Although there were capable people in the first year who could've set up the stage to have made the process faster and slowed us to reverse more before the gig. 

     Because this was the first gig I'd ever performed in I was worried about being able to perform to a good standard on stage in front of a crowd. I think that my stage presence and ability to play was good on the night but something that could've helped this would to be on fewer songs. I feel like I would've been able to learn the smaller amount of songs I would've been on to a better standard. I also struggled to complete some written work on time because I was sending my time practicing my songs instead. 

    During the gig I thought that the mixing was really good, I could always hear myself and the other people playing on stage. There were times when I could tell Cian and Ricci were figuring things out with the sound but there wasn't anything too major that happened on the night. Some of the struggles we did have were with the acoustic guitars, there were some issues with the vintage and keeping the battery in the guitar. I also plugged in a guitar without it being muted which caused some feedback. other than these issues there wasn't anything major that went wrong everything went smoothly. And everyone showed up to play. 

    The things that could've been improved in my opinion were the organization of the people playing in the songs and the rehearsals of the songs. 

    what I gained from this experience was my ability to perform infant of a crowd with an ok stage presence and my ability to work with others to put on a gig. hopefully, these skills will be shown and used next year. 

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